
So far, we have found the people, especially our guides proud of their country, the skills that the people have from each of the areas, AND embellish a bit of who did what first. i.e. miniature painting was started before Christ in Jodhpur until we got to Udaipur where our guide explained that the miniature painters were here and took the skills to Jodhpur.


Our Guide Bholendra, is a native of the region.

Interesting points

  • 2 million tourists a year, however since Covid the % of Americans visiting is significantly less.
  • The population of Udaipur is 700k but they have 6 universities and 2 medical schools.
  • The Palace we visited was started in 566 AD by the MEWAR Dynasty and is considered to be one of the oldest longest surviving dynasties in the world. The current king is the 72nd king in the lineage, is 86 and is not in good health. His son will be 73, has been educated in London, Australia and???
  • The 48 acres our our hotel used to be the hunting grounds for the queens of the Mewar kings to shoot wild boar, big cats, deer etc. In 1952 the government banned all hunting in the country so the land sat vacant for many years.
  • The King being what appears to be very smart, leased the 48 acres to Oberai hotel chain on an un-subordinated 35-year ground lease. There is only 15 years left on the lease.
  • We walked/ hiked to the top of the palace where there is a roof garden. See pics.
  •  ** As the story goes in 1828 King Jawan Singh was told that women could walk on a rope. Jawan said to bring her and told her “If you can walk from here (the current site of the hotel) across the lake to the island in the middle. I will give you ½ my estate” As she got close to the island the king panicked and had the rope cut. As the woman was drowning she yelled out “You will suffer no male children for 5 generations”
  • See the red photo of the lineage of the Mewar family. There were girls born but there are 5 generations where the male king was adopted. It was 1931 before the natural-born king took the throne.